Agile Coaching Dashboard, Iteration 3
After facilitating agile assessments for all 20 teams, I realized that my job was to coach an organization and teach 20 Scrum Masters to coach their own teams. I needed to work on growing the skills of the Scrum Masters themselves, so I needed to reflect that on my coaching dashboard. I wasn’t comfortable displaying their real names in my cubicle, so I gave them superhero nicknames.
For the y-axis of the grid, I thought about what skills a great Scrum Master demonstrated and grouped them into 5 categories (5 is a magic number because of the size of the cards and height of my cubicle). In the matrix, I wrote notes about each Scrum Master. A note in green meant a Scrum Master excelled at something, orange meant some help was needed, pink meant a trouble area, and purple meant I wasn’t sure and needed to spend more time with the Scrum Master.
With this dashboard, I was able to recognize what areas were weak across the group [e.g. conflict facilitation]. More importantly, I could see opportunities for the Scrum Masters to pair and teach one another based on their strengths.