Growing as a Person -- the Goo
While caterpillars are in a chrysalis transforming into butterflies, they become goo. Yes--goo. And this image of metamorphosis is often what I think about when I consider transformations. Big organizational transformations and individual ones. My personal transformation of becoming a Co-Active Coach. Many times I've thought, "ugh, I'm in the goo." Pleasant thought, right? Makes you feel like you need a shower.
But I don't think that humans or organizations are like butterflies. We are constantly undergoing changes, both big and small. We live in a state of being caterpillar + goo + butterfly all at once. That's rather amazing to consider. My coach and a few friends have been challenging me recently to go beyond my comfort zone. And I am quite fortunate to have such folks supporting me to show me where I am a caterpillar, be with me in goo, and highlight where I am a butterfly. It makes me a better coach for others. So I ask you: how might more goo enhance your life?