Leadership Link Round-Up

Photo by Angela Cirrone

I am having difficulty falling asleep tonight--I blame it on the holiday weekend that affected my normal sleep schedule--and it's technically Monday morning.  So what better time than now to focus on Negativity.

The "negativity bias," or bad feelings are stronger than good - An older post by Gretchen Rubin, whose book Happier at Home I just finished reading.  It's important to recognize that we are all subject to the negativity bias and may need an "area of refuge" to lighten our mood.

How Much is Negativity Costing You and Your Company? - Jon Gordon points out the importance of creating a positive environment rather than focusing alone on removing negativity.  And "when there is a void or gap in communication, negative energy will always fill it."

How to Deal with an Energy Vampire - More from Jon Gordon.  He's such a positive influence--his first tip is to love the Energy Vampire.  He makes it sound easy, which I appreciate since we're talking about people.

Latest Tips for Surviving Workplace Assholes - For those extreme cases that are beyond the "Energy Vampire" types, Bob Sutton shares his tricks.  His "biggest and best lesson" is to "escape if you possibly can."  Wise words.

Allison Pollard

Allison Pollard is a coach, consultant, and trainer who brings the power of relationship systems intelligence to go beyond tasks, roles, and frameworks to create energy for change. She engages with people and teams in a down-to-earth way to build trust and listen for signals to help them learn more and improve. Allison focuses on creating alignment and connection for people to solve business problems together. Her experience includes working with teams and leaders in energy, retail, financial, real estate, and transportation industries to help improve their project/product delivery and culture. Allison currently volunteers as program director for Women in Agile’s mentorship program. Her agile community focus is championing new voices and amplifying women as mentors and sponsors for the next generation of leaders. Allison earned her bachelor’s degrees in computer science, mathematics, and English from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. She is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), a foodie, and proud glasses wearer. Allison is a prolific speaker at professional groups and international conferences, including Scrum Gatherings and the Agile Alliance Agile20xx conferences. Allison is co-owner of Helping Improve LLC.


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