Agile 2013 is Coming #agile2013
The big Agile 2013 conference is coming up in Nashville, TN in a few weeks, and I thought I'd recommend a few sessions where I know the speakers and have seen their presentations [at least an early version]:
- What's in your playbook? - Jay Packlick and Ty Crockett will be leading an iteractive session that can be used with teams to brainstorm options they can use during their sprints to ensure success--it's certain to be fun.
- Building a Powerful Agile Learning Experience - Don McGreal's session will give attendees a toolkit to create simulations, games, and exercises to reinforce learning concepts with their teams and organizations. Don is one of the co-founders of, which is a great resource for games, so he's an expert in this topic and a great presenter.
- Reality Check for Agile Program Managers - Just how agile can a large and complex program be? Brian Adkins and Susan Fojtasek will share their thoughts and experiences based on what to consider when managing a program and lead an interactive workshop for participants.
- Strategies for Agile Portfolio Management - Kenny Rubin spoke on this topic in June to the DFW Scrum User Group, and his presentation is full of good information.